How to create a "About us" page that makes your users fall in love?
Did you know that the "About us" or "who we are" section is one of the most visited pages in most eCommerce?
Undoubtedly, your potential customers who still do not know you too much and are assessing the possibility of buying in your store, will ensure that this is a site of your trust before buying.
And above all, that behind the website where they sell that product they were looking for there are serious professionals and committed to the final satisfaction of the client.
Therefore, today I would like to talk to you about this element that is part of every web page, be it an eCommerce, a blog or any other type of website.
What is the “About us” page exactly?
The “About us” or “who we are” page is the section or category of a website that summarizes in a descriptive way how the business was born, who are part of the responsible team and, above all, explains the mission, vision and values of that business In Internet.
Clarified this, surely now you understand a little better the importance of this page within a website, especially for those who visit you and still do not know your eCommerce.
However, it is likely that if you have an online store, it happens to you like the majority of those responsible for this type of business and it costs you some work to talk about yourself and your team.
Has that happened to you to spend all day in front of a blank page and just thinking about telling something about yourself, do you block?
That is why the "About us" page of your eCommerce is surely still not finished or written very similarly to the rest and, above all, without the personality and essence that those who decide to read it are looking for.
Therefore, today I bring you 6 simple ideas that favor the content of the page that talks about your company from the most “human” point of view.
But first of all, I would like to clarify the question that surely you are asking yourself right now, if you had not paid too much attention to this section of your website:
Why do I need a “about us” page for my online store?
Just as a large brand already has a consolidated reputation and nobody doubts in acquiring its products even online, buying for the first time in a small online store can be considered a risk and, therefore, the visitor will want to have more information about you and your Company to make your purchase decision.
As you may have noticed, few online stores have a “about us” page that responds to the visitor's expectations and answers their questions:
What story is behind the product? Can i trust you Why should I choose this store / brand and not another?
In addition, visitors to your page will be interested in knowing who is hiding behind your project.
An effective “about us” page that shows who you are (or who you are) and what you do (or do) is the best letter of introduction of your brand and your best selling point: .........
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